Elissa is the new service pack from TT for the people under 25, the service looks to have no relation with the main carrier, have it's own website, logos, ... (unless omitted) and looks quite brand nnew and fancy.

The suscription cots 4 TND (About 3 USD) embded with 160 free SMS.

Les fees are as below:

- 100 millimes/min when calling an other ELISSA susciber.
- 180 millimes/min when calling TUNISIE TELECOM susciber.
- 225 millimes/min when calling other carriers (Tunisiana).
- 25 millimes/SMS to ELISSA.
- 50 millimes/SMS to other networks (Tunisiana).

The new service is mean as counter strike to Tunisiana's Carta Fun offering the same features.