Two partnership agreements and cooperation have been signed, Thursday 27 November in Hammamet, the Tunisian government and the multinational "Intel Corporation" on the one hand, and the Arab organization for information technology and communication and 'International Telecommunication Union (ITU), on the other hand, simultaneously with the work of the International Forum ICT 4 All Forum-Tunis +3.

In this context, MM. El Hadj Gley, minister of communication technologies and Gordon Graylish, vice president of the multinational "Intel Corporation, signed a partnership agreement in the fields of computers and electronics.

This cooperation aims to implement a program to support "Intel Teach" promoting the spread of new technologies in educational institutions in Tunisia, in addition to a WIMAX broadband and radio frequency management.

This agreement also stipulates the upgrading of small and medium enterprises engaged in Tunisian fields of industry, and the promotion of Tunisian expertise in the field of ICTs.